Policy Approve By
Dr. Dean O. Stenehjem, Superintedent
Policy Date (original policy date)
Reviewed (date last reviewed but not changed)
Policy Prepared By
Dr. Dean O. Stenehjem, Superintendent
Policy Category
To provide direction to architects and contractors providing services to WSSB so ALL work is completed in accordance with both state and federal law.
- All work completed on WSSB's campus must comply with both state and federal standards. Any differences which occur between state and federal standards will be discussed with the state ADA coordinator for appropriate resolution.
- All architects and contractors receiving contracts for work at WSSB must be knowledgeable about ADA requirements.
- General Administration architectural services will help insure that both the project architect and contractor are knowledgeable about ADA and will help monitor the process.
- Work on WSSB's campus will either meet or exceed ADA standards.