Vision Mentorship and Grant Program

The WSSB Outreach mentor program continues to offer support for developing the next generation of teachers of students with blindness and low vision. Our dedicated team of teachers remains focused on providing new educators in Washington with increased support time, specialized knowledge from multiple professionals, and a wide range of resources. We will continue to offer to include both in-person and online support, as well as enhanced professional development opportunities including monthly webinars and state-specific resource creation. We look forward to connecting with you.

April Mentor Meeting

All about access technology

Monday, April 21st, 2025 @ 3:30-4:15 PST on Zoom

Join WSSB Access Technology Specialists Krista Bulger and Joe Dlugo for an overview of access technology for blind and low vision learners in Washington State. We'll cover current tools, practical solutions, and state resources available to educators and families. As always, we'll make time for questions and offer a clock hour. 

Want to join our monthly Zoom meetings? Contact us to become part of the mentor program!

2025 Grants – Apply Now!

The vision grant program is a partnership involving the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), Washington Sensory Disability Services (WSDS), the Washington State School for the Blind (WSSB) and Stephen F. Austin State University in Texas. Since 2017, our program has offered yearly grants and mentor support currently certified Washington State teachers who wish to add a vision endorsement to their certificate. Over this time, we have added nearly 50 new vision professionals throughout the state to assist in meeting the needs of this ever-growing field. Applications are taken every winter/spring with a deadline of April 1st. Grants are limited and competitive. By applying, you are automatically eligible for grant consideration. The grant pays for all tuition but not course fees and books. If you are interested, please contact us for more information.

Apply for Stephen F. Austin University Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments Training Program

Frequently asked questions for school administration looking to fill a position

Frequently asked questions for potential applicants

Connect with SFA program staff

Watch a webinar explaining the grant program

Need a Mentor?


Our program offers mentor support for new vision educators throughout Washington State, including those in their first 3 years, and those new to the state. Our services are not limited to those who have received state grants. We offer mentorship in the following areas:   

  • Teachers of Blind and Low Vision Learners (AKA “TSVI”), ages birth-21  
  • Orientation and Mobility Specialists (O&M), ages birth-21  
  • Certified Assistive Technology Instructional Specialists (CATIS) working in school settings  

Please contact Joe Dlugo for more information. 


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Current Job Postings

Are you a vision education professional in Washington State looking for a new position? Check out our job postings. Postings are updated monthly.