Birth to Five

General Information/Referral

The Birth to Five Program provides supports for learners aged Birth to Three enrolled in Washington’s Part C program- Early Supports for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) as well as supporting Preschoolers aged Three to Five. The Washington State School for the Blind’s Birth to Five Program is committed to providing specialized services for young learners who are blind or have low vision, no matter where they live in the state. It is well documented in research of learning, that almost 80-90% of what a child learns early on in life occurs using vision and incidental learning.  When a child does not have vision, or has low vision, they will still learn to play with toys, crawl and walk through their environments, explore the world, and build meaningful relationships with their families, however they may do this in a different way, with the use of other senses.  It is critical that early identification and appropriate interventions supports begin immediately to support children, and their families, to reach their full early learning potential!

Link to ESIT Practice Guide to Infants and Toddlers with Sensory Disabilities

Who should be referred to WSSB for Birth to Three blind and low vision support and services? 

  • Any child between the ages of birth to 2 years, 11 months of age who has a diagnosis of a vision condition documented by a pediatric ophthalmologist that has a high probability to lead to a visual impairment.
  • The WSSB Birth to 3 Program works with local ESIT Provider Agencies (EPA) to connect family and IFSP team members to a local blind and low vision provider or provide the services directly.

Who can refer a child to WSSB for Birth to Three vision support and services? Anyone! 

Complete this referral form: Online Request for Consult

Services and Supports

  • One-time consultations to explore concerns regarding a child using their vision or other sensory modalities.
  • Evaluation and ongoing services from certified Teacher of Blind and Low Vision Learners and Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS) through individual contracts with ESIT Provider Agency (EPA).
  • Professional development opportunities (group and individual) for early intervention teams regarding issues regarding blindness and low vision and the unique learning style of children with limited use of vision.
  • Emotional and informational resources to families, such as weekend learning workshops and opportunities to connect with other families.

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