
The DeafBlind Program partners with local school districts, early intervention agencies and families of children and youth in Washington state who are deafblind, ages birth to 22. Our educational team provides consultation and training to help identify next steps for meaningful learning and access to the general education content. Our services are funded by federal and state grants to increase awareness of the unique developmental and learning needs of children and youth who are deafblind, including those with complex health and significant support needs.


Note: The term “deaf-blind” in educational settings includes a range of hearing and vision and does not mean “fully deaf, fully blind.” Students who are eligible for our grant-supported consultation services may have an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) with a special education category of “deaf-blind,” or it could be “multiple disabilities,” “deaf,” “health impaired,” or others.  It’s the combination of hearing and vision disabilities causing educational impact—with or without additional disabilities—that qualify the child or youth for consultation services from the DeafBlind Program. 

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Washington Sensory Disabilities Services (WSDS) is statewide collaboration, funded in part by the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). 

National Family Association for Deaf-Blind (NFADB). Connect with family resources for your child or youth: