Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Policy Approve By
Scott McCallum, Superintendent
Policy Date (original policy date)
Revised (date text was last updated)
Policy Prepared By
Janet Kurz, Executive Assistant
Policy Category

This policy applies to employees, visitors, volunteers, and Board of Trustees members, including employees that work at the Washington State School for the Blind (WSSB) through an interagency or contractual agreement.



  1. Electric vehicle (EV) charging is available.


B.    Vehicles must be charging to use the designated electric vehicle (EV) parking spots.  Only electric vehicles may use the EV parking spots. Non-electric vehicles or electric vehicles not being charged will be towed at owner’s expense.  During normal business hours, EV must be moved from the spots once charging is complete or after four hours, whichever comes first.  Overnight charging of vehicles will be limited to agency vehicles.

C.   Charging stations are available on a first-come first-serve basis.

  • Priority is given to the following:
  • WSSB owned EV’s
  • State-owned Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) or Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs).
  • PEVs or PHEVs which must travel to the facility from 25 or more miles away or travel 25 or more miles during the course of the business day.
  • All other electric vehicles may utilize stations as available.  If high priority vehicles are unable to charge due to occupancy by one of these other vehicles, the owner may be asked to interrupt their charge and relocate their vehicle to another charging station if one is available.
  • Employees and visitors must complete the WSSB EV Registration Form before utilizing WSSB EV charging stations. Information required will be:  Name, state agency/ organization, cell phone number, office phone number, vehicle brand/type, license plate number, state, etc.


D.   Charging will be free for employees and visitors.

  • Charging will be available at no cost to employees and business visitors during normal working hours.  Annually, this policy will be re-evaluated to determine if there have been significant costs to the agency and if the free charging policy needs to be modified.

E.    Employees must charge agency vehicles after use.  Employees must maintain an adequate charge in agency vehicles for the next user.

  • Agency vehicles are subject to the same parking rules outlined in this policy.

F.    Violations are to be reported to WSSB administration.


  • Electric Vehicles means vehicles offering external electrical charging capability,
    including plug- in electric vehicles (PEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs).
  • Visitors are defined as those having a legitimate business relationship with the agency to include parents of youth attending WSSB.  Exceptions may be granted by the superintendent on an individual basis.

RCW 43.01.250 Electric vehicles – State purchase of power at state office locations –
RCW 43.19.648 Publicly owned vehicles, vessels, and construction equipment – Fuel
usage – Advisory committee – Tires.
RCW 46.08.185 Electric vehicle charging stations – Signage – Penalty.