Public Use of School Facilities

Policy Approve By
Scott McCallum, Superintendent
Policy Date (original policy date)
Revised (date text was last updated)
Policy Prepared By
Janet Kurz, Executive Assistant
Policy Category


Since the Washington State School for the Blind (WSSB) is an agency of state government belonging to the people of Washington state, and since plant facili­ties and grounds are maintained and operated by funds provided by state taxes, our facilities are available to the community for appropriate activities which do not interfere with the best interest of our school and programs. Any use should not be at the expense of our educational programs or for any purpose inconsistent with those programs.

Section I - Classification of Organizations and Groups Using WSSB

Organizations seeking the use of school facilities have been divided into three categories for the purpose of determining rental rates:

  1. WSSB, Washington state agencies, and/or agents of state government, and civil groups and/or consumer groups whose major function or purpose is working with the blind.
  2. Nonrevenue-producing community organizations/groups (proof of non-profit status is required before approval of Category B rates).
  3. Revenue-producing community organizations/groups.

WSSB shall charge users per the schedule set forth herein. In the event of multiple facility use, extended term use, or other special situations, the adminis­tration reserves the right to negotiate a separate agreement applicable to the circumstances.  Any event/meeting requiring additional set-up, custodial, staff time, etc. will be charged a minimal fee as determined by the superintendent.

Category A.

WSSB, Washington state agencies and/or agencies of state government, civil groups and/or consumer groups whose major function or purpose is working with the blind. There is no charge to agencies/ organizations in Category A unless special provisions are necessary (e.g., weekend/holiday personnel, special lighting/heating, maintenance personnel, use of equipment, etc.) in which case a small charge may be established. WSSB will allow memorial services for former or current staff and students at no charge if custodial/security is provided by WSSB employees.

Category B.  

Nonrevenue-producing community organizations/­groups.  Use of Fee Schedule B, which is to cover utilities.

Category C.  

Revenue-producing community organizations/groups.  Use of Fee Schedule C, which is for groups that generate revenue beyond the user rental fees. Examples are benefit performances, use of facilities for self or corporate unions.

Section II - Applications, Permits, and Payments for Use of School Facilities

A.    Applications

  1. School functions will have priority over community use.
  2. Applications for facility use are obtained through the WSSB website. The application will be verified as to date availability, appropriateness of use, and limita­tions or problems that might become evident. Applications must be received in the superintendent's office at least fourteen days prior to the date of intended use. WSSB requires a minimum of 72 hours’ notice of cancellation in order to receive a refund.  
  3. A single application may be made for a series of scheduled meetings; however, a separate appli­ca­tion must be made for meetings which deviate from the original application. Facilities used shall be limited to those specified on the application. Approval for facility use is confirmed upon notification from the staff responsible for the facility rental process.
  4. There will be no subleasing of WSSB facilities.


B.    Limitations

  1. Facility usage not in the best interest of WSSB will not be approved. Satisfactory sponsorship, adequate adult supervision, appropriateness of activity, care of equipment and facility, rules and regulations, proper police and fire protec­tion where necessary, are conditions of usage.
  2. A certificate of insurance is required for all facility rentals by an insurance company authorized to do business in Washington state. The Certificate of Liability Insurance must be in the amount of $1,000,000 in coverage for the date(s) of use with the WSSB, 2214 East 13th Street, Vancouver, WA 98661 listed as the certificate holder. Exceptions to this are only granted by the superintendent.
  3. Applicant must attest to an Assumption of Risk and Release.  Forms must be submitted for processing of usage request.
  4. Prior to the first use of school facilities, all private nonprofit youth programs must provide a written statement or attest online that coaches have been properly trained and educated for the management of concussions, head injuries, and sudden cardiac arrest.


C.    Regulations

  1. It is the applicant's responsibility to state, in detail, the intended use of the facility.  Any other use will result in cancellation of usage and no refund of prepaid funds.
  2. The applicant shall certify to be personally responsible for any damage or unnecessary abuse of school build­ings, grounds, or equipment from the occupancy of said premises. The applicant shall agree to abide by and enforce the rules and regulations of WSSB governing the nonschool use of buildings, grounds, and equipment.
  3. WSSB is a drug, alcohol and tobacco free zone. No guns or edged weapons are allowed on campus.
  4. Boisterous conduct, profane or improper language, and other objectionable practices will not be allowed, and must be controlled by the using organization.
  5. A designated school employee or representative must be on site and will be paid for by using organiza­tion when event occurs outside of normal scheduled coverage.
  6. Only the portion of the building listed and approved on the application will be available for use by the organization.     
  7. Part of the rental charge is used to defray costs of cleanup following activity. However, applicants are expected to maintain reasonable standards of cleanliness within the activity area. In the event extra resources are needed to clean, additional charges may be made.
  8. When the building or equipment is damaged or left in an unsatisfactory condition, the responsible group will be billed for cost of repair and/or replacement and will be denied use of school facilities until payment is received.
  9. All equipment, furniture, and other school proper­ty will be protected and left in the same location and condition as originally found.
  10. Facilities cannot be used for the sale of goods or services (e.g., refreshments, etc.) without prior approval.
  11. User organization must conform to all local ordinances including police and fire department regulations.
  12. All meetings will terminate and the facility will be vacated by the time specified on the facility usage form.
  13. Adult supervisors of organizations using school facilities will remain with their groups during usage and will be responsible to WSSB for observance of all rules. Persons will not be admitted until the adult supervi­sor arrives and checks in. The adult supervisor shall be the last to leave and will inform the WSSB representative to secure the building.
  14. The user organization will be responsible for the enforcement of the above-related regulations and shall be respon­si­ble for all participants, spectators, and affiliated personnel.


D.    User Charges

  1. Users of the facilities will be charged according to the appropriate rental schedule.
  2. Groups using the facilities will be charged for services of WSSB personnel required for supervision and/or custodial services. WSSB will assign at its discretion the quantity and type of personnel it feels necessary to operate and manage the facility.
  3. Rates are to be reviewed on an annual basis or as needed by WSSB.
  4. Additional unexpected charges are possible due to excessive heat, lights, custodial overtime, repairs, etc.


E.    Payments

WSSB requires user groups to prepay rentals a minimum of one week prior to their first rental. All charges and fees for services shall be paid to WSSB's Business office. Organizations, groups, or individuals shall not make any payment directly to an employee or make individual arrangements with employees as to service charges.  All charges shall be billed directly to the applicant.


F.    Right Reserved to Revoke Permits

The superintendent reserves the right to cancel any permit given and to refund any payment made for the use of school buildings or groups where it deems such action advisable and in the best interests of WSSB, or to modify its policies at any time.  All facility usage forms automatically expire at the close of the school year (June 30). 


G.   Cancellation of Facility Usage Forms by WSSB

WSSB reserves the right to cancel non-school activities whenever the two conflict for time.  Whenever possible, WSSB will notify the non-school users of cancellation at least one (1) week in advance.  Inclement weather may require short notice on the cancellation of facility usage or the use of grounds.




Category A.  WSSB, Washington state agencies and/or agencies of state government, and civil groups and/or consumer groups whose major function or purpose is working with the blind. There is no charge for Category I unless special provisions are necessary (e.g., weekend/ holiday personnel, special lighting/heating, maintenance personnel, use of equipment, etc.) in which case a small rental charge may be established.


Category B.   Nonrevenue-producing community organizations/­groups.  Use of Fee Schedule B, which is to cover utilities.


Category C.   Revenue-producing community organizations/groups.


Fee Schedule
FEES (per session A B C
Board Room (Old Main) N/C $30 $50
Cottages  Will be provided upon request Will be provided upon request Will be provided upon request
Classrooms (Irwin/Fitness Center) N/C $30 $50
Dining Room N/C $75  $100
Faculty Lounge (Irwin) N/C $30 $30
Fries Auditorium (Pipe Organ by request only) N/C $250 $300
Gymnasium (up to 3 hours per day) N/C $75  $100
Library  N/C $30 $50
Music Room/Band Room N/C $30 $50
*Pool N/C $125/hour $125/hour
Sherman Auditorium  N/C $300 $350

Microphone rental fees (Sherman Auditorium only):  please contact the WSSB for rental info.

*Renting individual lane lines in the pool will not be permitted.


A $35.00 per hour custodial and/or set-up fee will be imposed on events requiring security, clean-up, or as deemed necessary by WSSB administration


Rates as of July 1, 2024