- Objective: To protect the people, property, and finances of Washington State School for the Blind (WSSB) against issues of risk, in a cost and effective and efficient manner.
- Purpose: To inform all WSSB employees of the Risk Management Process
- Policy:
WSSB recognizes the need to manage public funds wisely. The intent of this policy is to preserve and protect the assets and earning capabilities of WSSB operations from losses in the most economical and efficient manner. Further, to provide a safe, secure, and healthful working environment for its employees and students.
This policy applies to all risks of accidental loss, such as fire, liability, theft, property damage, malpractice, illness, and injury, both direct and indirect, as relates to all WSSB employees, students and volunteers.
The success of our risk and safety management program is impacted by the sincere, constant, and cooperative effort at all levels of management and the participation of all department directors, managers, supervisors, employees, and volunteers. Therefore, the WSSB requires full participation and support by all department directors, managers, supervisors, and employees regarding risk reduction efforts.
Employees will report accidents/incidents in accordance with the all applicable WSSB accident and incident reporting policies. Using information collected from the accident/incident reports, WSSB administration, if necessary will devise plan to reduce or eliminate potential for reoccurring incidents. Any “best practices” determined will be approved by the WSSB Leadership Team and deployed to impacted employees by their department managers. Any written plans or policies (i.e. lock-down procedures, fire drills, etc.) will be made available to employees.
The WSSB Accident/Incident Report form can be found in the public folders.