Security Cameras

Policy Approve By
Scott McCallum, Superintendent
Policy Date (original policy date)
Policy Prepared By
Risk Management
Policy Category


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance regarding the use of security cameras and records made from these security cameras at WSSB.

The purpose of the security cameras is for ensuring the safety and security of students, staff and visitors, the protection of state property and other assets, and the deterrence and prevention of criminal activities, and investigating incidents.


The use of security cameras at WSSB is limited to uses that do not violate the reasonable expectation of privacy, federal or state constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure or other applicable laws including federal and state laws.

Camera footage is to be used to investigate criminal activity or security incidents involving the security of school property or other assets or safety of employees.  When recorded video is reviewed, in response to an incident, WSSB will have the option to use recorded footage to investigate WSSB policy violations revealed in the recording even if they are not central to the initial incident.

Signs will be posted at entrances to school notifying individuals of the use of Electronic Surveillance.

Recorded camera footage and live feed will only be accessed by the superintendent or individuals authorized by the superintendent.  WSSB will monitor and review security camera feeds and recordings as needed to support investigations and enhance public safety.  It is not intended or expected that security cameras will be routinely monitored in real time.

Recorded camera footage will be released if required by lawful subpoena, by the rules of civil discovery, by judicial order by applicable laws governing union requests for information or disclosure of public documents under the Public Records Act, or to the exclusive bargaining unit representative when needed in conjunction with personnel and disciplinary matters. Security camera footage will be released to external law enforcement agencies when necessary.

Security camera footage may be used by WSSB in personnel investigations and disciplinary proceedings against staff. This policy does not apply to the use of legally permissible wiretapping or electronic surveillance by law enforcement agencies during criminal investigations.