To define WSSB’s Signature Authority Levels
The State of Washington’s State Administrative & Accounting Manual (SAAM) is the document used to define standardized accounting policy for the entire State of Washington. http://www.ofm.wa.gov/policy/default.asp. Chapter 10 – 10.10.10.a.3 – Requires the agency head to specify the delegated approval levels in the agency’s management structure for control over travel expenses. The Superintendent will develop a list of signature authority levels and is located in Microsoft Outlook/Public Folders/Forms/Accounting/Signature Authority Limits.
The signature levels apply to the purchase/approval of goods, services and travel related expenses.
WSSB has also restricted the following approvals to the Superintendent only:
- Binding agreements and contracts between the school and all vendors
- Out-of-state travel requests
- Disposal of all school assets
- Requests for meals, coffee, and light refreshments at meetings and training sessions
- Acceptance of donations by the school
- Exceeding travel per diem requests for both meals and lodging