Business Office


The business office provides direction and oversight for all functions, compliance and activities of the Finance and Human Resources Departments including employee and labor relations, risk management, L&I, recruitment and selection, classification/compensation, benefits, training, payroll, budget, accounts payable and receivable, grants, audits, purchasing and contract development.

The business office provides support to approximately 200 internal customers (staff and students) and 240 external customers.

Business Office Team

Phillip, smiling and standing outside of the Old Main Building

Phillip McCreary

Director of Business, Finance and Human Resources


Tesfa Amene, middle age man, shaved hair, has smiling face with deep thought, and green bushes at the background.

Tesfa Amene

Fiscal Analyst


Sheryl Howe, a middle aged woman with a great head of wavy red hair smiling

Sheryl Howe

Fiscal Analyst


Bearded,  smiling, and wearing khakis and a dark grey button-up—sits on a bench in the sun in front of a bush in his first week as the new Procurement Specialist at WSSB.

Bruce Kyte

Procurement & Supply Specialist


Phi standing outside of the Old Main building, smiling.

Phi Mangers

Fiscal Analyst 2


Nicholas is standing outside of the Old Main building smiling.

Nicholas Spinelli

Fiscal Analyst 3

(360) 947-3310