Abacus Bee

Abacus Bee 2024 Flyer with the APH Abacus Bee Cranmer Abacus logo in the center and “Saturday November 9 2024, Register Now” above it. Below reads: Time: 8:30-3:30 Where: Seattle DSB Office 3411 S Alaska St Who: Students who use an abacus or mental math With WSSB & DSB Logos


Join us for a STEMulating day filled with fun for the whole family!

WSSB’s Outreach Access Services (OAS) Team in partnership with Department of Services for the Blind (DSB) is excited to invite you to this year’s Regional Abacus Bee®  (sponsored by APH) on November 9, 2024 in Seattle! Any student who is using an abacus or mental math is encouraged to join.

Regionals are open to students of all abilities, giving even emerging abacus users and those beginning to use mental math a chance to reach a personal best score. It’s also a wonderful opportunity for students who are blind or low vision and attend neighborhood schools to connect with peers.

The Washington Abacus Bee theme is Envision Yourself in STEM. Along with the math competitions, there will be exciting activities for the competitors, siblings and their parents -including a morning Orientation and Mobility Experience on Seattle’s Sound Transit and an afternoon activity for the whole family with The Blind Kitchen! Light refreshments and lunch will be provided. The day concludes with an awards ceremony with prizes for the top competitors.

Return packets to Jessica Chandler Jessica.Chandler@wssb.wa.gov by October 12th!

With registration capped at 25 this year, don’t delay and register today!


How to place contestants

Registration Packet