
The Department of Services for the Blind will partner with the Blind Kitchen on September 21st from 1:30 to 3:30 pm.

This introduction to heat and… Read more from DSB Accessible Cooking Workshop September 21st

An article in today's WSU Insider discusses a new exhibit at the Washington State School for the Blind in Vancouver co-curated by WSU Scholarly Communication Librarian Talea Anderson, WSU… Read more from History of tactile print systems explored in new Vancouver exhibit

Elevated Lead Levels Detected in Some School Drinking Water Locations

Dear families and staff of WSSB,

As of 2021, Washington state law (… Read more from Elevated Lead Levels in Some School Drinking Water Locations

The WSSB Outreach Access Services Mentor Program continues to grow.  Our Mentor Program will no longer be limited to OSPI/WSDS grant recipients but will be available to all… Read more from WSSB Outreach Access Services Mentor Program