Statewide Technology

We would like to thank Bruce McClanahan for his many years of service and dedication to blind and low vision students. His work has led the way for future work to ensure all blind and low vision children have the supports and services they need to succeed. This page will be maintained with Bruce’s invaluable manuals and materials.  

Looking for the current technology web page? Visit OAS Access Technology & STEM

iPad Apps for Totally Blind Students with Complex Learning Needs

The apps listed here will be very beneficial for CVI students in Phase 1, who frequently access information through the auditory channel.

App list for totally blind students with complex learning needs


Using PixWriter with Totally Blind Students with Complex Learning Needs

PixWriter is a software program that is sold by the Attainment Company. This program is available in iOS and Windows, but only the iOS version is accessible for totally blind students.  PixWriter is a word processor that helps writers compose documents without needing to master phonics, spelling, or the alphabet.

PixWriter directions for Totally Blind Students with Complex Learning Needs


APH Mantis Q40 Braille Display & Notetaker

This device is sold by the American Printing House for the Blind.  It has a QWERTY style keyboard and a 40 cell display.  This Microsoft Word file contains instructions on using this device.

Using APH Mantis Q40 (docx) * Updated January 2025


APH Chameleon 20 Braille Display & Notetaker

This device is sold by the American Printing House for the Blind.  It has a Perkins style keyboard and a 20 cell display.  This Microsoft Word file contains instructions on using this device.

Using APH Chameleon 20 (docx) * Updated January 2025